Saturday, March 28, 2009

Oldie, but goodie...

This video of Lily was captured almost two months ago. Whenever I need a smile or quick laugh, I always turn this on.

I love it! More nights than not, you can find us in the kitchen dancing with the radio on. And, I do think my Lily is a wonderful dancer!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What a Wednesday...

I love Wednesday's. For about three months now, I've been fortunate enough to have four day work weeks and take every Wednesday off. I spend the whole day with Lily. We can stay up later on Tuesday nights and stay in our pajamas just a little bit longer in the morning! Some weeks I plan field trips or play dates with other friends, some weeks we visit Nana and Papa for lunch at school, most weeks we go shopping at Target and some weeks we just stay home and hang out. But no matter what, the day is always about me and Lily. I love it. I also appreciate it. Other than the first three months of her life, I've always been a full time working mom. I had a little mental breakdown earlier this year (on my 28th birthday to be exact) and realized my life is moving way too fast! My baby is growing way too fast and I'll never get this time back. I picked Wednesdays because it is right smack dab in the middle of the week. It's not thrown in as an extension of a busy week-end that we usually share with others. It is a day for me to stop, take a break and enjoy my daughter. And that's exactly what I do.

Today was a stay at home day with the exception of a quick trip to Target in the morning. It rained from the time we got up until about 3:30. We got lots done today and checked off my list! I even got to vacuum and mop my hardwood floors while Lily was napping (Bonus for me! I love the smell of Murphy's oil soap.) Lily woke up in a great mood just as the sun was starting to dry things out a bit so we headed outside for some fresh air. Today was a great day. I love my Wednesdays with Lily.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Wow! It is really sad that it took me being "tagged" to get back on here and write something!! I promise to make a better effort at this! Thanks for tagging me, Renee! It gave me a little bit of motivation and guilt to get back on :)!

Anyway, back to my blog...Renee tagged me about my nightstand! How funny! I'm supposed to take a picture and tell you what's on it. Well, here it goes!

When I moved to college, I rented a new, "furnished" apartment. My parents offered to pay for the furnishings because it was way easier to pay an extra $25.00 a month than to haul it back and forth from home every year. Plus, where would I sleep when I came home to visit???! After I graduated, I moved in with Casey and we bought a new bed! How exciting...a new big, beautiful bed and mattress set we probably couldn't afford at the time! Actually, I know we couldn't afford it because we couldn't afford any of the matching accessories like a nightstand or dresser. But, oh, well...I love my bed. After living for about 6 months without a nightstand my mom thought it would be a great idea to go the antique store and look for a night stand. Antiques are so not my thing, but, I decided to go with her anyway. What do you know...we found a night stand that I love. Well, it's actually not a real nightstand, but it's my nightstand and that's what counts! Plus, it reminds me of my mom and how much fun we have together and that sometimes (okay, most times) she is right!

My night stand is an old Martha Washington sewing machine cabinet. It has lots of character and it matches my cherry wood bed. It has lots of handy drawers and cubby holes. I have a lamp from Ikea on my night stand. I bought it on my very first trip there with my mom and sister. It doesn't give off much light, but it does project cute little flowers on the wall. I also have my very favorite framed picture of Lily when she was 3 months old. I love when she takes it off and gives "the baby" kisses. I wonder when she'll realize the baby is actually her! I have my alarm clock, that is usally telling the wrong time because Lily is tall enough to reach it and loves to play with all the buttons. I'm not kidding, I have to check the time and reset the alarm every night before I go to bed! I have a video baby monitor. A lot of people think they're crazy and not necessary, but I love being able to watch her as well as listen to her sleep. I also, at all times, have three binkies next to my bed. That way I know right where they are when I have an emergency situation on my know, like when Lily misplaces one and she can't find it!!