Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First Day of Daycare...

Today is the first day of "big girl" day care for Lily. She goes to Oaktree (Papa's school) where my dad teaches. Since she was three months old, she has been going to a family friend, Pam West. Lily loves going to Pam's and she is the only child there so she gets super spoiled! We decided a couple months ago that we should start putting her in daycare one day a week with other kids so that she gets some social interaction and lots of quality play time.

I would have never considered this when she was younger, but I'm okay with it now. She is getting bigger and loves playing with other kids. Plus, my dad is at the school in case she ever needed anything and he can pop into her room anytime he wants to. And, it's only one day a week and my dad will bring her home right after school.

I had to keep reminding myself of the second paragraph over and over again last night. I made five copies of the classroom phone number that they said we can call anytime to check up on her. I had total anxiety and needed to make myself feel better. I made Casey drop her off today. If she started crying, I would definitely start crying and I don't think I would have left her there!

Well, I just got an update (No, I didn't breakdown and call the classroom. I didn't want to hear that she was upset if she was.) One of the teachers e-mailed me (I didn't even ask her to!) and said she had no problem with the "drop off" and during the buggy ride this morning around the school, she waived and yelled "Hiiii PaaaaaPa!" to my dad in the gym! Then she went back to the classroom and was playing babies with her new friend, Zoey. She also informed me that Lily ate 4 of her 5 popcorn chickens, all of her peaches and dipped them both in LOTS of ketchup!

I think Lily is in heaven! I hope she wants to come home tonight.

Friday, April 24, 2009


80 degrees today and it's Friday!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Night Dinner...

Tonight we went out for a special dinner...

at The French Laundry. The food was okay. The dessert was awesome!

Mmmmm...We love bug bar ice cream sandwiches!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

One of my favorite things...

I have a bad habit that I can't seem to break. I let Lily into our bed most morning around 4am. I have to admit I love it. I love her hugs, warm cuddles and watching her sleep. Sometimes, she doesn't wake up on her own to come to my bed and I go in and get her. Yup, I admit it, I walk in her room and grab my peacefully sleeping baby to come sleep with me. Sad, I know. But, I know I won't be able to do this forever. I get up around 7am and leave her in my bed sleeping until she wakes up and then I turn on PBS. She loves Curious George. Most days she stays in bed, watching cartoons, until I'm ready to get her going. Not today.

I was in the bathroom drying my hair this morning and the door pushed open. Lily came barging in and grabbed a hold of my leg extra tight and said "Hiiiii Mummmmmma!"

What a great way to start my day!